If you own a Chemdry franchise supplying carpet cleaning services in your local area, your business may not be getting the internet exposure that you deserve.
If you are using the sub-domain supplied by the franchise owner, this warning may be applicable to your business. A website like www . your name.chemdry.com.au is a sub-domain of chemdry.com.au
These sub-domains look good on a desktop computer, but they fail miserably when viewed on a mobile phone. The websites are not configured correctly to help the individual businesses gain attention of the search engines (eg Google), and therefore probably do not rank for any keywords within the specified service area.
If you check your Google analytics, you will probably notice that between 30% to 50% of your website visitors are arriving to your website from mobile devices.
These sub-domains are also not mobile phone friendly and visitors have lots of difficulty in viewing the content of the site and finding the phone number to make a booking. Most mobile phone visitors will leave your site within the first 3 seconds, and find another business to call.
Google rewards mobile friendly websites with better rankings and also lower PPC rates.
Every business needs to be “mobile friendly”. This is no longer a luxury, this is a necessity.
This is especially important to you because your main website is built using “Flash”, which is not supported by iPhones and some of the info just isn’t visible. Android phones are also phasing out the ability to read “Flash”.
One of my clients, a car detailing business, just converted to mobile and is now getting a 38% conversion rate from his mobile website. That’s 38% of the visitors to the mobile site are either phoning or completing the email form. His adwords CPC has reduced by 20% after the first 2 weeks of going mobile. (This will continue to fall significantly, because Google rewards you for having a mobile friendly site). About 40% of his website visitors are from mobile phones. (This will improve dramatically because Google will show his site more often in mobile searches)
A mobile phone visitor is ready to make a deal right now. Make it easy for them to see your website and call to make a booking.
Think about those stats and how it will help your business. Imagine getting a phone call from 38% of your website visitors to make a booking…
Much of your advertising $ is being wasted at the moment because you have excluded such a high % of your potential customers. People using a mobile phone to search for a carpet cleaner are ready to make a booking right now, so make it easy for them to find & phone you.
You can spend money on a new website later if you wish. Firstly you need to get your adwords working correctly. Your current expenditure of $xxx per month can achieve much better results when you get your mobile site. (You may even decide to reduce the adwords expenditure)
Click here to get your mobile site Now
See the images below. The one on the left is similar to what your website looks like on a mobile phone. The image on the right is a mobile friendly version with thumb friendly buttons, easy to navigate and read, Plus tap to call feature for your clients to phone to make a booking.
How can I help you
Firstly I recommend that you get your current website yourname.chemdry.com.au mobile friendly so that you can take advantage of any advertising immediately. Any money spent won’t be wasted when you later upgrade your website. (If I create your new website)
Investment of $330 for design & creation of your mobile site +$22/mth will probably pay for itself in the first week. This will continue to work for years to come.
Now lets have a look at your existing chemdry sub-domain website
1. Metadata is missing
- This tells the robots what the website is about.
- Title, description and keywords are essential items and the protocol must be followed or the site will be punished with poor rankings.
- The Robo form is missing. This allows the search engine bots to easily enter your site to search for relevant content.
- Sitemap is missing. Search engines expect to see this and will punish if it is missing.
2. The site is using “Flash”
- iPhones can’t view any content that is in flash. Android phones are also fading out the ability to read flash.
3. No integration with social media
- Social media integration is critical for seo’ing of your website. Google looks at your site then looks at social media profiles that are linking to your site to determine a ranking to be displayed in search engine results.
4. There is no data on the entire website that tells the search engines where you are located and the areas that you service.
- Therefore your site will probably not show up in any searches like “carpet cleaners xxx” (where xxx = your city, suburb or service area)
5. I can’t find a Google Places listing for the site.
- This is the map area which shows near the top of search engine results for your service area.
- This is probably the most important part of your web presence and can generate lots of Google Luv to help boost your main site in the search engine rankings.
How to fix your site
Option 1
- On-page seo the existing sub-domain site and insert the relevant meta data on all pages and also create a site map and insert a robo form.
- Remove the flash from the site and replace with images.
- NB:- This is NOT recommended because any expense you incur will be wasted when the site is either changed by Chemdry or you get a new website created with your own domain.
- Any money spent on seo’ing only benefits Chemdry, it won’t offer much benefit to your individual sub-domain.
- Raj told me that they are planning on changing the sub-domains to take out flash, possibly in the next 6 months. I imagine that each individual franchise will get charged for this. But this probably won’t include meta data, keywords and content relevant to each franchise and their service area.
- Can you afford to wait this long while you are losing even more potential customers?
Option 2
- Create a new website with all the bells & whistles to help market your business.
- Insert Google analytics.
- On-page SEO.
- Directory submissions.
- Integration with your social media accounts – Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube
- Special premium plugins that will help drive traffic to your website.
- Automatic posting and scheduling to social media accounts.
- Unlimited pages & posts and you can easily do most of your own maintenance.
- Includes additional mobile site & redirection.
- Total investment $895
- Mobile site +$22/mth for extra hosting and admin.
- NB:- The above price assumes that your social media accounts have already been set up.
- NB:- Get your existing site mobile friendly now, and upgrade within the next 3 months and only pay $565 for your new website.
Phone to find out more info about how we can help you. Office 07 5641 2341 or Mobile 0402 628 136
Social Media setup services
- If you don’t already have the social media accounts setup, we will create the account, insert content for the profile linking to the website, and header graphics.
- Investment $55/account
Other Services available
- Social media marketing services
- PPC adwords management services
- Facebook marketing services
- Coupon management services